Anyways... I keep telling my companion how awesome Halloween is, and that he should be excited that it´s coming up... but I don´t think he quite understands the concept of running around in costumes and free candy... poor kid.
I forgot to mention during my last email that we had a *surprise musical number* during the baptism of Liniker. The bishop announced: * now we´ll have a special musical number by me, Elder Dantas and Elder Webber* hmm.... ok. So we got up there, and he told us * Me and Elder Dantas will sing the first two verses, and elder webber will sing only on the chorus, cuz his voice is so deep, then elder webber will sing the third verse and chorus all by himself... then we´ll all sing the last verse together* hahaha..... right. so that was fun.... first time ever singing in front of an audience... fun stuff. nobody´s head exploded, i guess it wasn´t too bad
So..... Saturday, we had a baptism, wooooo!!! yay. We baptized a lady named Ivani, and it´s only her and her son that live together. It was a miracle how we found her, we were just walking down the street, saw her sitting in her door and said * hmm... let´s teach her* so we did, found out she´s already been to church, so we taught her, and baptized her, haha awesome! her son hasn´t been to church yet, but he´ll go these next few weeks and then we can baptize him as well. sweet. When the hour of her baptism came around, she didn´t show up, so we waited around.... and waited, then finally went to seek her out, in the rain. we found her at home, and she said she didn´t want to get wet....huurrrrrr? so then we told her, *look, we´ll go find an umbrella and we´ll go, ok?* so we searched for one, didn´t find one, and came back, and when we arrived, the rain stopped, so we walked to the chapel, and as soon as we got there the rain started back up again. Miracle. Everybody from our ward was in Goiania for some activity, so it was just us, Elder Pattie, Elder Fralick (his American greenie) and 2 other members, so we held the meeting, all neat and quick, and then there was the FHE activity after, perfect timing, so she got to participate and have fun. Good day.
She had a problem with the word of wisdom while we were teaching her. Cuz we asked her to tell us again what the 5 things are that she can´t eat/drink and this was her response: *no beer, no cigarettes, no drugs... thou shalt not rob... umm...* hahaha, it took us a while to make it clear to her that robbing is bad, but isn´t part of the word of wisdom. haha
Yesterday we got the call about transfers, and nothing has changed in my district, everything is exactly the same, yay! So I guess I´m doing alright cuz president decided to leave me here. And we´re starting to see the fruits of our labors here in our area.Tthis last transfer was complete suffering and hard work, and now we´ll be able to start thrusting in our sickle. woooooo.
We had another good district meeting the other day, the tables were still set up from the ward council the Sunday before, so I stuck them together and gave it a *conference room* feeling, me at the head the other 5 missionaries sitting down on both sides. Sweet. I quite enjoyed it, made it much more comfortable to talk and discuss stuffs. I think I might do it again. Because normally they just set up the chairs in a semi-circle and I sit/stand in the front, not as cool. I like the conference table.
We started teaching a new family yesterday, a mom and her two sons, the two sons are crazy kids who go to rves and party for three days straight to techno music... crazy. Dancing in broad daylight? Not my style. And the mom is a 7th day adventist....dun dun DUN! ROUND ONE! READY... FIGHT!
It actually went pretty good, she told us about some things she thinks are wrong about her church (how they can´t eat pork, how they can be re-baptized if they sin, I partly convinced her about how the sabbath day is Sunday, and not Saturday) so she was really excited to get a Book of Mormon and read and pray. She did the opening prayer for us.... wow.... it was a 10 minute prayer, they certainly like to pray. I had to use some tactics and restrain my companion from starting a bible-bash with her... oh young one... so naíve.
That´s a funny thing though, the reason why the 7th day Adventist church is so strong down here:
in English the bible says: * remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy*
and our days of the week are: *.......friday, saturday, sunday......* so it really depends on your studying and/or crazy level if you end up worshiping on saturday.
but in portuguese the bible says * remember the day of Sabado, to keep it holy*
and the days of the week are: * Sexta Feira, Sabado, Domingo *
so in english it would go like this: *friday, sabbath day, sunday*
so tons of people are converted to the church because Saturday ACTUALLY IS the sabbath day (in name at least) hahaha.
Also I had pizza the other day... chocolate pizza, pizza with banana and cinnamon.. all sorts of pizza. Be jealous. I ate the most out of everyone ( of course ) and I wanted to keep eating but it was late and everyone wanted to leave.... not cool.
Another family we´re teaching is a Mom (Andrea) and her three daughters, 2 are toddlers and the other is 16. She used to live in the US for 5 years, and when she came back she said she hated her *brazilian house* and did everything she could to americanize it... so i feel like I´m back in america whenever I walk into her home... except for the lack of carpet... nobody has carpet down here. Nobody. But she´s so crazy about america that she´s always telling her daughter (right in front of us) * my daughter, just wait for him to finish his mission, marry him, then you can go to america too!!* hahahaha, oh how strange.
It´s also raining like crazy down here, the roads are always rivers, and we always find ourselves prisoners under a small roof somewhere far from home. I took a few videos so you´ll be able to see what it´s like one day. crazy stuff.
anyways... here are some pictures:
1. a view of Anapolis from our area.
2. our baptism
3. Me and my grape juice, and my new Flamengos ( soccer team ) beer mug, haha.
*The tree of liberty needs to be watered, from time to time, with the blood of patriots.*
Love you all, miss you all
Elder Webber