Monday, October 31, 2011

Last E-mail... :-(

Short and sweet, in the mission office, just ended my last interview.....very sad...sad stuff indeed. Not excited to come home. Before I´m realesed we need to drop by the MTC, I want to see Josh while I´ve still got my missionary badge on. 

:D got the pacakge here, everybody liking the berty botts beans :D
See you in a bit....

Elder *sad camper* Webber

Monday, October 24, 2011

2nd-to-last Week!




I´m so tired....

Yeah, monday we met a dude from africa, he´s pretty cool, went to church with us on sunday, he clicks his tounge when he talks cuz he´s mixing his tribal language with portuguese. 
I convinced a family on tuesday that I´m from Rio Grande do Sul, a state in brasil... and they didn´t find out until Elder Boyne told them I was american at the end...laaaaame. 

Also, while I was on division with Elder Pires the other day in his area, we met and taught a guy and his two kids... apparently he really liked me and asked if i could baptize him this saturday, haha, SWEEEET!!   This was what I was waiting for, I only needed one more baptism to meet my goal and The Lord blesses me in the last week to  baptize a guy in another area, awesome :D

Bruno passed the sacrament for the first time Sunday, I´m so happy to see him going to church alone and being a part of the branch, he went to church with us after, so it was a party with all the branch boys. I´m gonna miss Bruno the most when I leave this area.

Yes, as a matter of fact i do have a ring collection, and each one has a story :D

Also, I´ve learned that on the mission, the best days always end up with the most paperwork in the end.

I´m getting ready to leave the front lines and come back to Babylon.... get tactical! Hoo-Rah!

I saw the numbers for the whole zone today, a zone that includes 3 cities and 24 missionaries....I´m working with a bunch of slackers! I'm doing more work that any of the other leaders, including the assisstants and blowing the normal companionships out of the water... and I thought that this week wasn´t very productive in my area.... my my, I´d be ashamed of myself if I were any of the other missionaries here. Except one other companionship, they´re doing pretty good :D  *THIS AINT NO KINDERGARDENERS IN THE SANDBOX!!*

*Do you think the phillips screwdriver was named after a guy named Phillip? Dude, that Phillip must have had a messed-up shaped head!*
-Red vs. Blue

Love you all!! see you in a bit.
Elder Webber

P.S. Some members in the Planalto area liked me so much that they sent me a going-away present :D hahahaha

Monday, October 10, 2011

A "Peachy" week

*It happened on one of them zippadee-do-da days. It´s one of those days when you can´t open your mouth without a song coming right out of it....*

We baptized again... wooo!!! We baptized Tiago sunday morning, it was a battle to help his mom decide to sign his sheet and let him baptize, but she finally signed it on friday, wooo! we could tell she really wanted too, but she just needed that extra push, just a little more help to get over her fears. we left an amazing message with her on wednesday that really got her thinking and finally got her to say yes on friday, oh yeeeeaaah. so he got baptized in the giant tub of water in the chapel, and he and Lucia both got confirmed in sacrament meeting, and Lucia even bore her testimony, good times indeed.

1-us and Thiago
2. again
3. Reyler and Thiago 
4. another photo from last week, Lucia´s baptism :D

Well.. other news from this week, the mission changed our telephone service provider. from Vivo to Claro, and WE ALL GOT NEW CELLPHONES... oooooooh. very shway. I deleted all the games off it when i got it..... so i don´t have to keep an eye on my companion so much.

Tuesday my whole district went to Tibery to give Elder Dos Santos a hand, we just knocked doors all day, found a bunch of people for him to teach... I feel bad for him, he´s stuggling a bunch. However, last week three companionships from my district baptized, this week was two, this next week seems like 3 will baptize again, (including mine). YEAH go district Tocantins!!   So things are going quite peachy, I think we may be able to baptize every week of this month in my area... it´s been a while since this branch has had so many baptisms. Even president was blown away at how little success this branch has had. haha. booyah. We´re gonna baptize Bruno this week, we´ve helped him stop drinking, drinking coffee, and out of depression, he´s way happier now, and pumped to be baptized. :D

I´m butting heads a little bit with the local assistant cuz he´s messing with my district, leaving everybody stressed, and stepping on toes, but we´ll work it out.

Wow, I loved the emails in response to my last.  Got me thinking indeed. Though I still don´t think I´m gonna be fully prepared to come home...

Totally gonna sign up for a frequent flyer card, 

*you ever heard of Plato? Aristotle? Socrates?*

LOVE YOU ALL!! see ya in a bit.

Monday, October 3, 2011

A "COOL" Week!

So yeah.

This week was cool. Best news:  WE BAPTIZED WOO!!!! Lucia finally got baptized in between the two sessions on Sunday.   Good times.   The zone leaders and another companionship also baptized at the same time.  So nearly my whole district has baptized already, oh yeaaaah.  Started off the month pretty good indeed.  Also, our baptisms happened on the day the first rain of the rainy season came, wooo!!  Come on shoes! you can hold up a little while longer.....

Went on division with Elder Mos on Tuesday, went to his area to help him out a bit, close the deal on some of his baptisms. Not too shabby. It´s nice when I announce that something is gonna happen, like a division, and everyone just says *sure!*.  Things go along much more smoothly.

My eyes had been bothering me all last week... until I finally looked on the side of my saline bottle.. and realized it had expired in August.... that would explain alot of things, so I bought a new bottle and all is well.

1. us with lucia
2. everyone being baptized with those doing the baptisms.... and me!
3. Elder Grandy helping me out. :D

I was with Elder Pires, zone leader, this weekend so he could do a few interviews for us this weekend. Lucia´s and Brunos, Lucia passed (duh) and was baptized, but Bruno will have to wait a bit more, he´ll be baptized on the 15.  Sweet. I was dieing of nervousness running around trying to get the deat-beat members to help us out and take our investigators to the stake center to watch conference, that didn´t work out too well. grrrr! lazy lazy lazy.  But either way I LOVED general conference, I missed the priesthood session, cuz it was 8:00 in the morning (and we were busy), and threw a wrench into all our plans. so i´ll read it when the liahona comes out.  However.... during the general sessions... talk after talk after talk kept pounding the same message into my heart and spirit.... no matter what the subject was it seemed like the Spirit was trying to tell me one thing.  "Get prepared" so what do i do?  I look up at heaven and say *alright, I understand*   I had sort of the same experience while on division with Elder Mos, we were talking with a member, reading some scriptures, talking about some things... then me and Elder Mos looked at each other cuz we were both feeling the same thing: This world isn´t going to last for much longer.  The Spirit testified to us at the same time, and neither one of us could deny what we were talking about, or what we felt, I can´t really write about it here. But as we were walking back home we both talked about how important it is to us now to get our food storage in order when we get back and to ALWAYS pay our tithing, and to really listen with our spiritual ears when we listen to the prophet, like I did this weekend......I learned alot more than what he was just saying.   It was an experience I can´t really describe.... we were both speachless as we left the house.

Another member told us that when we came to his house that he knew we were coming.  Cuz he had woken up from his nap and seen an unclean spirit chillin in his house, but suddenly it perked  up and ran away as fast as possible.   And he thought: *the missionaries are coming*

Every missionary changes on the mission... but the changes I´m seeing happen during these last 2 weeks... and that I can see will yet happen... have surprised (and pleased) me.

We got a few baptisms lined up for this month, a few more district meetings to rally up the troops. I´ve called the whole district to work in Tibery on Tuesday, to help out Elder Dos Santos there, cuz its been a while since he´s baptized. LETS DO WORK!

LOVE YOU ALL! good luck Josh.

*Boys, don´t be stupid*
-Coach Smyth