Monday, December 7, 2009

Week 4...

Yeah, i guess you could say we're getting to be the old ones, since we're almost halfway done with our time here, but we found out the other day that we can expect to be here for an extra 2 weeks, which is a bummer, but it'll help with the language.

Yeah Elder Holland is great/easy to listen to, and i wouldn't be surprised if Elder Bednar showed up sometime before christmas, but you never know.

We've all been getting a bit sick around here too, just stuffy noses and coughs and stuff. It certainly doesn't help that they've stuffed us in a room with no air conditioning for 9 hours a day, where we're all breathing each other's exhaust. It's gross.

We definitly heard the BYU/Utah game from here, and we were guessing the score based on the sound of the crowd. We were way off, but our teacher couldn't keep it a secret anymore and told us how it ended. so we were all pretty happy...except for one of us...bummer for him :D And bummer about Max Hall, but i suppose there are worse things.

Thanks for the Tree, it's all set up and looking good, and we have foam pellets in and around it to look like snow. I took a picture. So no worries. And i did set it all up by myself, except for the pellets, but oh well.

I found out that Portugese is the closest romantic language to Latin than any other language. Which means that i can understand Italian and Spanish but they wouldn't be able to understand me. So i thought that was pretty cool.

Love you,

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