Also, I accept the new shoes, they look pretty dang comfy to me, so here's my new address:
Rua A
Q: 1 L: 4 Casa 2
Frei Eustaquio
So this week I spent spent most of my time in Goiania for the leadership conference. Apparently they've changed how the missionaries are gonna be taught to teach. There's a new 8 lessons to teach them to be better missionaries, so we spent 4 days learning and practicing, and implementing. The day would start at 8 in the morning and go until 6 at night, and we'd learn 2 lessons per day. We ate breakfast, lunch, and dinner in the chapel with president, and the last few hours were used practicing what we learned in a real area with real people..... so pretty much...... this week rocked. It was such a fountain of knowledge I couldn't write it all down fast enough, and itś hard to apply it all to my teaching at once. But it was pretty dang awesome, all the leaders from the mission were there, so good times, good times. An Elder Pimentel was there, and he sounds just like Gerard Butler (if thats possible) so i took a video of him saying *THIS IS SPARTA!!* and i'll treasure it forever, haha.
Needless to say my teaching has improved, and for the next 8 weeks we'll be teaching our districts the same lesson, one every district meeting, which is the hardest part of the whole thing.
But the better news is that when I got back the miracles started to appear. Apparently my companion found a lady who had a dream about a baptismal font the day before, so we're starting to teach her, and then we taught two brother's and their wives and all 4 accepted the invite to be baptized, so now we have 5 people with dates, we just have to get them in the water now... and not screw up :) woooo!!
Saturday night the stake had an activity about the plan of salvation, every room in the chapel was a different step in the plan (including a plane where everybody crashes and dies) I was put at the judgment part, so I judged everybody and told them they were all sinners and to go to the telestial kingdom, I quite enjoyed it. And after it was all done, the people that got to help got to go sit in the air plane room and die, since we missed out on it during the actual activity.... so that was fun :)
And yes.... it is HOOOOOT here. They've only got 2 seasons here: the Hot and rainy season, and the not-so-hot and dry season. We're leaving the dry season now and entering the rainy season..... just that there's a lack of rain so far... so it's just really flippn' hot. No fun batman.
I guess I must be doing something right, cuz my district is slowly but surely improving, one companionship is working pretty darn hard, and should baptize soon in an area that hasn't seen baptisms for a looong time. But the other, still is a sad situation, so I'm doing a division with them tomorrow, to try and see if I can fix things up a little bit, I'm leaving the area in the hands of my companion and a slacker for a day... so hopefully my comp will be able to stay in charge and show him how things are to be done.... i don't want to come back and see fire and ashes.
I'm including a few photos:
1. This is a fruit called Jaca.... itś huge, and it grows in trees... so if it fell on you, you would die. We lugged this thing all the way back home after lunch.
2. This is Elder P. Santos performing surgery on the Jaca
3. This is the inside of the Jaca.... it doesn't taste too bad... though it feels like you're eating a lougie.
4. This is Elder Martin, Elder Barton, Me, and Elder Bare at the leadership conference. This is our gang. Pretty much every breakfast was a battle for the corn-flakes and crackers. and every dinner was a battle for the Guaraná. It was us four hanging out most of the time. Along with Elder Pimentel, because he reminded us of 300.
Also, I thought you might like to know, that there was a lan-house up the street from where we live, and the other day it got turned into a church... funny eh?
Well my time is up, so I better get going.
*wow, this path is massively narrow.... what if somebody fell?*
I love you all, miss you all,
Elder Webber
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