Monday, May 2, 2011

"Surfing"... again

Anyways, this week we had divisions with the assistants here in our area, so that was pretty fun. Me and Elder Dias spent the day together, knocking doors and all that good stuff. I think he walks too slow, but I still liked it.

Food news: I ate baked fish tails. :D

I don't really remember my dreams on the mission, and the only ones I do remember are nightmares, and they´re all about the same thing: I find myself hanging out at home, then I realize that it´s still summer time or something: I came home early! , So then I panic and wake up, not fun, it´s happened quite a few times.

We´re teaching an awesome family, the dad´s name is Alexandre, they promised us they would go to church on Sunday, but when we got there they didn´t show up, what a bummer! Then at night we passed by to see how they were doing and they said they had gone but had gotten lost and couldn´t find the church, arrgh!! What a loss. But they say they´ll go next week, and this time we´ll go with them so nothing goes wrong.

Remember a few weeks back I told about the moto-surfers on top of the bus? Yup, we met them the other day, we were coming back home on a bus and they got on at the same time as us, after hopping the bar so they didn´t have to pay the bus-fee, they asked the driver if they could moto surf, he said yes so they spent the rest of the ride trying to break open the skylight trying to get on top, well it didn´t break so the busdriver opened up the doors and told them to go up that way... while he was driving. But I guess they must have been passing some rival turf so they just yelled out the doors at the kids in the neighborhood, yelling their gang chant and flashing their gang signs, I got a video of it, so no worries. Best busride ever. It was even more fun the the few other people on the bus were cheering them on, or making fun of them cuz they were too weak to break the skylight. Good times.

Who is ASO? Ive never heard of them, but they certainly deserved the butt-whopping they got. BYU rocks.

hmm... that´s interesting to hear about the new YSA stuff. I dunno where I´ll live after I get home, I´ll probably live at home for a bit so I can find a job before re-enrolling at BYU, and all that, but Elder Lunceford says that his grandma has kicked the sister missionaries out of her basement and that she wants us to live there, she lived right next to BYU, so I´ll probably just live there with him. I wont have to worry about paying rent or anything. Score.

This mission is getting better these days, pulling itself out of the hole it had fallen into. We did pretty good, thought the zone was pretty embarrassing this month.... ech. Oh well, it´ll be better this next month.

I´ll plan on calling Mom around 4:00 my time on Sunday, on Skype, so prepare yourselves.

*the butt of mercury... not quite as cool as the face on mars... but just as mysterious*
Invader Zim

Elder Webber

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