Monday, June 13, 2011

A "Bleh" Week...

My my my, Josh is awaiting his mission call eh? Big stuff. Good luck.

Well this week was kind of *bleh* for the zone, we had one baptism in the zone, which is good, but everybody else was kind of flat, but it´s all part of the plan... sort of. Pretty much we´re just beating everybody over the heads with *just mark dates and baptize, and I don´t care what else you do* it´s kind of a gamble cuz some of the other numbers are suffering, but if they baptize, what else can we ask? The ends justify the means, what´s the point of teaching bunches of lessons if you don´t baptize? We´re in a race to be number one this month, and it´s going pretty good, I see the news every week on who is baptizing, and it´s pretty neck and neck this month. President must be pleased. Also: if every companionship baptizes this month, and we reach at least 17 baptisms, we get to watch Disney movies the next p-day. SWEET! One zone already watched Harry potter 7, and our next-door neighbor zone watched Narnia 3... oh how some missionaries are motivated now, haha.

Anyways, we´re teaching an awesome lady, her name is Nara, and she lives in the next city, Trindade (trinity). She lives alone with 3 children, her cousin took her to church 2 weeks ago, and she LOVED it, she accepted to be baptized on the 19th after stake conference, wooo! So... pretty much it was a miracle (again) the just fell into our laps and saved us for this month, cuz everybody else is too lazy to go to church.

Guess what I got this week! I got my very own J-dub bible. wooo. Haha, I´ve always wanted to buy one, along with an Ave Maria bible. so now my bible collection is nearly complete. It was for Freezle too, they just give their bibles away, so I was pumped, they said the normally accept donations after giving a bible away, but because we had taught her, and made friends, she said to take it as a gift. Oh yeah. you guys can´t read it... cuz it´s in Portuguese, but I´m diggin´it.

I got an email today from a missionary that got sent home early for being an idiot. I don´t know if it´s a bad mindset, but when I see missionaries like him I think * OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!! SEND THEM HOME! DON'T ASK QUESTIONS!!* Good thing I´m not pres. cuz if i was there´d be a butt-load of Elders heading home.

Well... I´m looking in my planner right now and I´m not seeing anything that I wrote down to tell you guys, so not much must have happened, haha. But the work is going well, we´re teaching a few good families, and we´re trudging along.


*why do we fall? so we can learn to pick ourselves up*

Love you all
Elder Webber

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