Tuesday, February 9, 2010

In Brazil!

Well... esto aqui! (I´m here) haha
Just a couple of things...

1. I´m never going to be dry again
2. If I don´t die from the heat or from working my legs to stumps, I´ll die from guarana poisoning.
3. beans and rice, beans and rice, beans and rice

This is definitely the hardest thing I´ve ever done in my life. It´s hard to even open my eyes in the morning, not just because I´m so tired, but also cuz I know what´s ahead of me.
There´s kind of a language barrier between me and my companion...well...more like a language great wall of china, haha. I´m pretty sure I´m serving in the poor district, or it might be the middle district. Not sure. But these people certainly have hardly anything. It´s pretty dang scary here.
I´m using a Brazilian keyboard (obviously) so if there´s tons of grammar mistakes, that´ll be why, haha.
There´s apparently no law against disturbing the peace here, since everybody blasts their music 24/7. It it´s not blasting in the cars, it´s blasting in the houses. There´s even cars with huge speakers on the roof! sheesh!
I had my first baptism the other day, after three days in the mission. His name is Janio, and he used to drink a lot so he´s really slow, but I like him. So that was a really cool experience.
I am never going to be dry again, haha, curse you Mr. Sun. As soon as I put my shirt on in the morning the collar is already soaked. Good thing that whenever we go to someone's house the first thing they do is give us glasses of water. (and that whole thing about don´t drink what the locals give you just went straight out the window, but don´t worry, I´m not sick yet, haha)
Everytime we cross the street here it´s a game of chess with good ol´Mr. Death. I assume they have laws here, but apparently nobody follows them.
I really like President Tobias Even though he barely speaks any english and will only be my president for 5 months. But oh well.
I´ve never prayed so sincerely and earnestly in my life for so many days in a row. I can handle the walking all day and the heat wont kill me. It´s the feeling of being almost completely alone, or something along those lines. I assume it´ll get better once I learn the language, and once I grow to love the people.
The house we´re living in isn´t as bad as i was expecting, but it´s still pretty creepy. There´s only supposed to be 4 elders in it, but there´s 6 of us right now. and I´m afraid the roof will fall in on us one of these days. haha. I have taken a few pictures, so don´t worry. I´m not sure I trust the mail here enough to send the memory card home though. haha.

Well, I love you all, and miss you all more now than ever. Pray for me, I need it.
God bless America!!!

-Elder Webber

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