Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Settling In...

Haha, yeah, I´m definitely learning a lot from this companion, I can imagine much worse, but of course there´s much better, easier ways to learn the same things. I for sure don´t have the worst missionary/companion in the history of the church, haha, so I guess I have it easy.

Anapolis may be higher up, but it´s still making me sweat like a madman. I definitely have hope though. And we found out yesterday that we are staying here for this next transfer, so all is good, I get to enjoy the hills some more.

It´s much better/easier to work when I actually get to find the investigators and teach them and get to know them from the beginning, as opposed to just filling in a spot the other Elder left behind with the others. So I actually look forward to teaching the families that we met on the street and contacted. Which we do a lot, by the way. The mission has a standard to do 10 street contacts every day, per missionary. And these are baptism contacts, we invite them to be baptized right there on the street. Usually no more that a few questions like: Hi how are you? what´s your name? ...... Will you be baptized? And they actually say yes pretty often. The president wants to work on finding the elect, and not wasting time. In fact we´re gonna commit 2 families to be baptized today, and if it all works we´re gonna have 6 baptisms this weekend, so here´s hoping.

One thing I've noticed is that there are internet cafe´s and video-game houses all over the place here, it´s kid of like the scrapbook business of Utah.

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