Monday, November 15, 2010

Over the "Hump"

So yup.

So before everything got mixed up last Monday, me and elder Margalho decided to go for a hike in the green hills and forest behind our house. So we took two hours, pointed out the highest hill we could see, and made our way to the top. So that was pretty darn fun, just to walk without any worries, or appointments, cool stuff. I took a bunch of pictures, and even more videos, so it´s all recorded.

Then Tuesday, we headed to Goiania to pick up my novinho. there´s only 3 new missionaries this time, so me, Elder Barton, and Elder Correia are training. we ate lunch at the mission office, did a bit of talking, then President took us to the bus station where our companions were waiting, I had some time in the car to talk with President about some problems that my district is having, so that´s good. Then I finally met my new companion... who looked totally lost. His name is Elder Black, and he´s from Blanding, Utah. He´s a pretty big kid, played football and baseball, hunted, and all that good stuff... a typical southern utah person, eh? While we were in the office, Elder Webb gave us a little training meeting about what´s expected of us, and how President expects these new kids to be like after their time with us. So pretty much they told us to become drill sergeants for the next few weeks, if we were perfect before, not it´s not good enough and we have to be better. But, he told me, don´t kill him and make him want to go home, just beat the little kid out of him. Then President came in for a little bit and told us that he was telling the new kids that they´re gonna be trained by the best 3 missionaries that he has available in the mission, or in other words.... don´t screw up.

But yeah, we got a paper helping us to remember what to do, and not to do. So it aint too bad, I havn´t had to change TOO much. We have conference with President this Wednesday, and interviews, so we´ll see what he things about our first week together.

Anyways.... his Portuguese is coming along slowly and surely, I´m having to teach 90% of the lessons we give, not for lack of sharing on my part, but because he gets nervous then just passes it off to me again. Interesting. But I like him, he´s way humble, and it feels like I have two shadows now, except one of them likes to talk English. Haha. If I tell him he´s doing something wrong, he changes on the spot, or if I tell him to do something, he does it, so he´ll be just fine, he doesn´t have any problems with any of the mission rules or routine as far as I can see. So yay. It´s fun taking him around the city, showing him everything, who´s a drug dealer, who likes to bible bash, who we´re teaching, and so on.

It´s kind of hard knowing that 100% of the responsibility for our success rests entirely on my shoulders now, so I´m running around, chasing after miracles trying to get somebody ready to be baptized on the 27... it´s coming along, just a bit slower than I´d like. But it´ll happen.

Some pictures:
1. Elder Steemblik, Elder Bare, me and Elder Margalho in the bus station in Goiania, getting ready to seperate.
2. Me, Elder Barton, Elder Correia, and Elder barton´s novinho
3. Me, during our hike in the hills.

So yeah, I can´t really remember much else of what happened, it was a pretty normal week.... with not too much success, though we do have one kid who accepted the challenge to be baptized on the 27... he just has to stop drinking and smoking, so we´ll work with that. The bishop asked us to give talks next Sunday... haha, so we´ll see how that goes with Elder Black, he´ll do fine. But yeah, other than getting a new companion, not much else happened. kind of a short email due to lack of news. But oh well. Here´s cheering for success this next week.

*There may come a day when the hearts of men fail them, but it is not this day*

Elder Webber

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