Monday, November 8, 2010

Training a New Missionary....

O Anapolis, Anapolis, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest the missionaries which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, in the waters of baptism, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!

OK...well.... I´m a bit nervous now, I just got here on the computer, and got a call from President... asking if I was well, in what area I´m serving in... and if I like to travel... and íf I´ve talked with Elder Reed yet.....strange. heart beating fast.

The mom of our golden family had some problems, so she went to Brasilia to undergo some surgery, she´ll be back this week hopefully. Cuz without her, nobody ain´t gettn´ baptized in that house. She´s the decider, so we just need to wait for her to come back, and all´s well. But the 7th day Adventist went to church yesterday with one of her sons, the church didn´t have any electricity for the first little bit, so that was lame, but no worries. Afterwards, she had a bunch of questions about baptisms for the dead, and a bunch of other things she learned in the Relief Society, so we spent a bit of time having to clean up the mess that the sisters left cuz they didn´t think to explain anything to her. This ward is burning to the ground, and the only thing saving it is a few exceptional members. However, we did try to mark baptismal dates with them, her son accepted to be baptized on the 27, and she said that she would be able to be baptized on the 20th, but she´s gotta take care of some *problems* at home first, so we´ll have to work a bit with her. And we still have to work with her other son who loves to party, so here goes...

AHHH!!! I just got a phone-call from the Secretary, Elder Reed...... and........ we´re going to Goiania tomorrow morning. Cuz I´m gonna pick up a greenie, I´m gonna be training.....AHHHH!!! And it´s an American, so it´s gonna be ten times harder. My companion is headed off to some new area, and I´m sticking around here.... holy nervous batman. Training and district leader??

Pressure, pushn´ down on me.....

So yeah, we were walking in the central the other day, and I met some pretty sweet natives/hardcore hippies. The cooler one is called Mauro, and they were selling all sorts of jewelry, trinkets, talismans, art (pot smokers), and so on, so I bought a couple things, and I´ll probably go back one of these days to see what else I can score. He said I can take him anything, pen, bottle, knife, shoe, and he´ll turn it into something awesome. So I may look into that too. But either way, the hippies down here are awesome, and they´re talented, fun to talk to, and they don´t stink, so I like them :D

The other day for lunch, we had apple pie for dessert.... let me repeat, we had APPLE PIE. woo!! I called the zone leaders to let them know, and they were quite jealous. It was the first time my companion had eaten apple pie, so he took pictures of it and everything, then the bother who made it invited us back on the 25th, thanksgiving, so we can eat the pumpkin pie that he´s gonna make. Wooo.

In the card I got you asked if I ate crackers for breakfast... nope. I´m trying to keep up on the whole * one piece of fruit per day* thing, so it´s normally an orange, apple, or just biscuits. haha.

I sent a letter home last week with my memory card, hopefully it gets home safe. There´s a few pictures where I thought... * why didn´t i delete this picture? and why did i take it in the first place?* but they´re all special

So yeah, I think that´s about it for now, nothing much happened this week. I´m still a bit frustrated with our lack of success, but it´ll be sure to improve, and I´m sure my next email will be something along the lines of: * AHHHH!!!!! MY GREENIE CAN`T SPEAK PORTUGUESE!!! HELP ME!!!!!*

So yeah. Good luck to me..... and the investigators.

Love you all, miss you all, I loved the pictures, I don´t have any for this week. my bad.

*Smile, would ya? While we still got something to smile about!*
-Sgt. Johnson (Halo 2)

Love, peace and happiness
Elder Webber

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