Tuesday, May 25, 2010

We Win!

WAY TO GO UNITED!!!! It sucks I couldn´t be there for the greatest game in history, but parabens!!!! Way to slap around the teams who keep shooting their mouths off. WOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I´ve sent a picture for congratulations.
Way to go Josh and Zach!! FINALLY!!! how´s it feel to know you´re the best in the country?

My week wasn´t nearly as exciting as that, pretty much the same as always. One of the families we were teaching decided to hitch-hike their way back to their home city. They´re way poor so they only had 2 suitcases full of stuff when they left. But he gave us farewell gifts the last time we taught him, he gave Elder Casey a light-up toy sandal, and I got an alarm clock :) even though the guy is half crazy, smells like death itself, and I always leave his house with his stink and a headache, I´m gonna miss him

Then yesterday we went back to see if they really had left, and they had, but they left their dog and its two puppies behind, and they were stuck behind the gate, I felt bad for them cuz they didn´t have any food, so I opened the gate and let them out...... and it followed us around all day, all over the city, even after we went in to teach people and come out an hour later, it would still find us again, and then we talked to a drunk homeless guy and he started following us around too. So it was us, drunk guy, then dog, all in a line.

We told our zone leader, Elder Barney about it, and he said we were *living in a real life RPG* where Elder Casey is the main character, the drunk guy is the tough, strong one that always ends up back-stabbing the party in the end, the dog is that random beast character that every team has, and I was the skillful pretty boy that always gets the better ending anyways. haha

And apparently we´re german too, cuz in the last few days people have said stuff like * i´m headed to the church of the Germans* *you look really german* * do you speak german?* and then of course a guy raised his hand to us and said: *Hail Hitler!!*

We watched a kite battle the other day, there were 4 or five kites up in the same air-space and each were dodging, ducking, dipping, diving and......dodging. until one was left victorious after all the other kites had been cut down, he even managed to wrap his kite around one of the others, so he won it and got to keep it. And I found out that it is most definitely illegal (duh) cuz the strings they use have already killed some motorcyclists. I´m gonna return here one day and rock their world with a sweet American kite, and cut all their lines.

One thing I´ve gotten used to is teaching a family, or just talking with some members in their home when 4 or 5 horses just walk past the front door, with some old frail dude walking behind them with reeds in his hand. It´s happened quite a few times already

We didn´t confirm Edvaldo this week cuz the member that was supposed to walk with him to church slept in and so nobody went, flippn slacker. We were kind of ticked at him. Just a bit. The thing is, Edvaldo is nearly impossible to find at home, so it´s really frustrating trying to be able to teach him anything or motivate him to go to church. And nope, that wasn´t the first time I got in the water for a baptism, I did for my first baptism as well.

We were chillin at a member´s house the other day, after they had an activity for the youth, and he wanted us to come check out the new music he got. It was Garth Brooks and Tim Mcgraw, sheesh! That really made me wanna go back to the ranch :) fun stuff.

Also, that's awesome that Mariah went as Elder Webber for hero day! haha :D :D, and I most certainly do not have a problem if she´s planning a Disney-world trip :D

hmm... well I think that´s about it for now, I miss eating pizza by hand, cuz down here when we eat it we have to eat it by knife and fork, but you kind of forget about that when you´re eating chocolate/banana/condensed milk pizza haha, it was amazing.

but yup, WOOOOO!!!! congratulations!!!
Until next time

*out of all my uncles, uncle caveman was my favorite. We called him uncle caveman cuz he lived in a cave, and every once in a while he would eat one of us.
Then we found out uncle caveman was actually a bear.*

Elder Webber

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Well this week wasn´t too bad. I´ll get some of the small news out of the way first eh?
I got the package! wooooo! With the awesome picture of Zach beating highland, nice. Well played sir, well played indeed. And then I got the letter today, the one with the memory card, I only read a bit before I came here cuz Elder Casey was impatient to write home. but thank you :D

We had a picnic kinda thing at the Bishop´s house the other day, with pineapple, juice, apples and crackers, and blood cuz he cut his foot with the weed whacker, he actually has a backyard, which is really weird. And apparently his daughter thinks everything is free in America "yeah, I hear in New York you can just walk down the street and people just give you hotdogs." I didn´t want to crush her dreams, so I just said I didn´t know cuz I´ve never been there, haha.

Which brings me to a related subject of free stuff. Piracy. Mosair ( the Dad of the family I baptized) asked me and my comp to download all sorts of music and movies for him on his computer, cuz apparently it got out somehow that I know how to do it :-)..... so yeah, ask the missionaries to download stuff illegally for you, good plan. but I didn´t :P no worries.

But his 2 twin kids had their 4th birthday party last night, they won a cake the day before so they were able to invite a lot more people than they would have been able to, which was awesome, so we just helped blow up balloons, eat the cake, and drink the guaraná, always fun.
As we were at a member´s house the other day waiting for lunch to be ready, a white couple walked through the front door, all the girls in the family started screaming, and then ran to hug the wife, the husband heard us talking about how we´re pretty sure they´re both American, and said *darn right i am!!* Apparently the wife served her mission here, and he served in São Paulo, so that was fun to eat lunch with them, with all the girls crying and yapping away. Our conversation went kind of like this:
*so, anything you want to know about home?*
*yeah, what´s the latest thing that´s happened in the land of the free?*
*Umm... Tenessee got flooded, lots of people died*
*pretty much*

That, and they talked a lot about Avatar, Sheesh!!

But, big news...... we baptized another person Sunday! WOOOO!!! His name is Edualdo, and he´s 17. Its only him, his younger brother, and dead-beet-always-half-drunk father at home. So he really needs some good friends and the church in his life, since he really doesn´t have much else. So it was really good to see the people in the ward congratulating him and see him smiling. He doesn´t really talk much, but you can tell he really loves to have us over and was really happy after we baptized him. I got in the water with him this time :) So that was way awesome ! We´re planning on baptizing his brother this next Sunday. So that´ll be good.

And we also managed to get 10 people to church as well, so not only are we in the newsletter for a baptism, but for that as well. I (we) pretty much rock.

Congratulations for beating California and Mesa, even with the devil himself fighting against you. Darn Sefada. Kick his butt. Good luck at nationals, sounds like you´ll come out on top. Just remember: Don´t mess up.

Hmm... well I think that´s about it. Good luck this weekend, congrats on surviving PTA, school, and rugby. Until we meet again.

Love ya´ll, Miss ya´ll

*A Man Chooses, A Slave Obeys*
Elder Webber

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mother's Day Follow-Up

A good week indeed. Happy Mother´s day. Loved talking to you guys on the phone, even if Joseph doesn't talk, and Zach is living in a dream world, haha.

I just got back from the buffet up the street. It´s 5.50 for all you can eat. :D
It´s just a little bit out of our area so SHHHHH!

Transfers were yesterday and.......... I´m sticking around here in the Area Anapolis for the next six weeks, woooooo! Which means that after Elder Casey dies I´ll have to/get to stay here cuz I´ll be he only one who knows the area and the investigators. sweet. I told Jessica (the one we baptized) and her brother that I was getting transferred, so later that night IO got a call from Jose Maria (their dad) cuz he thought I was leaving, so I had to confess my lies. But at least I know someone in the ward loves me and will miss me, haha.

I mentioned it on the phone that we had zone conference last week with President and his wife. So that was way fun, it lasted from about 9 in the morning to 4 in the afternoon, with a push-ups competition to see who was actually doing their morning workouts, and a ´how many contacts can you do in 15 minutes´ competition. And I think he actually kind of likes me :) anyways, sister Tobias was inspecting our area books and ours was the best, so he took us, and the winner of the push-ups competition to McDonalds, ohhhh yeah.

This last Sunday we went to the chapel to support our fellow missionaries and help out with their baptisms, the zone had 5 baptisms last week. But when we got there the whole chapel was flooded with water because SOMEONE left the font on, so we had to spend the whole night cleaning up their stupid mess. Along with that, I also found out that I´m illegal right now. Haha, apparently something went wrong at the office, and I´m an illegal alien now, so I had to send my ID with another elder there to get it all worked out. fun stuff.

We met a drunk dude the other day... nothing new there. But this guy kept grabbing my hands and putting them on his head and asked for a blessing, when I refused he put his head on my chest and told me how pretty my eyes were.....yeah. not so fun stuff.

If you´re ever in the area sometime in the future you´ll have to stop by the house of Ana Rosa. Best... Lunch... Ever... It´s always pizza, french fries, fried chicken, beef stew, chocolate cake, and pudding (it´s good), and she´s a crazy/funny old lady, so pretty much we love having lunch there.

We´re teaching an old guy names Alberico, and he paid his tithing yesterday. He can´t be baptized cuz he´s not married, but we thought that was pretty awesome, he always goes to church with his top hat on too. And we met a lady by the name of Janaina who received the Book of Mormon when she was 15 and has already read it twice, so.... we´ll probably work with her as much as we possibly can. And then there´s Jorge (I always wanna yell out HEY JORGE! Bwagbwagbwag, except he´s not a chubby chef) and he´s the boyfriend of a member, so he´s pretty much gonna baptize himself, haha.

hmmm.... I cant think of much else that happened. I´m gonna send off the CD with all the pictures and videos up to this point tomorrow, so you´ll get that around Christmastime. But guess what today is? It´s my 6-month birthday! woooo! haha

Good luck in the rugby games, I would think they´ll be pretty easy after almost beating Highland. As long as nobody does anything stupid it sounds like you´ll be champions this year.

Well until next time,... Hopefully I´ll have a baptism to write about :D
Love ya´ll, miss ya´ll

"Just stick with the Master Chief, he´ll know what to do"

Elder Webber

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Latest (with pictures and a movie!)

We finished painting one of the rooms in our house today, and are almost done with the other, slowly and surely, since we only paint in the morning of Preperation Day.

So this week was kind of... lame. We had fun and worked hard, but all our investigators were flaky and useless, so almost no one went to church, just the one couple that can´t be baptized cuz they´re not married. So now we have a week to prepare someone to be baptized by sunday to help reach the 30-baptism goal for the zone. If we can´t find someone that´s already been to church 2 times in the area book, we´re gonna try and take the same person(s) to church twice on Sunday so they qualify. They never said it had to be 2 different sundays.

I dunno if you know, but there´s a certain power that comes with being able to speak 2 languages with your companion. We can talk to the people, then talk about them in English, or just coordinate our next attack.

*hello Sir, how are you?* (portugese)
*are you drunk?* (english)
*dude, he´s totally drunk* (english)
*thank you sir, have a good night* (portugese)

We gave a few blessings to some people this week too, one to a lady that really didn't need one, but she´s half crazy so we didn´t want to make her mad, but another was to Rafael. And he had been sick with Dangey for a few days, and when we showed up at his house, he said he had been praying at the moment for something to come help him, so we gave his a blessing and he got up right after said he felt way better *i feel amazing, so strong, i wanna....take a shower... and then...a.. WALK! yes.. i´ll take a walk* so that was pretty sweet, he wanted to take a picture with us too so he never forgot :)

We did divisions again this week, just for a few hours so that Elder Casey could go do some interviews with the baptismal candidates in another area. So Elder Erikson came to my area, where we taught a few dudes, and I found out that his invitation to read the Book of Mormon and pray is kind of......not good. so we ended that, because the 2 baptisms fell though, and life returned to normal. And then of course, we needed to cross the road at one point, and Elder Casey decided to cross between these two semi tucks that were getting unloaded, he tried, and the way was blocked by dudes working, and he couldn´t make it back out, so he decided to make conversation while standing in their way: *working hard?* yeah.

So far in Brasil, I've met a Pahoran, Moroni, and a Gideon (and only one of them was born into the church, not counting people like Sam, or normal names like that)

We gave the dude who works here a book of mormon, cuz he was reading about the church on wikipedia, and we´ve actually become good friends, which makes it easier to talk about the church and make fun of him cuz he only plays soccer games on the PS3s here.
wait a second........
yeah, i just made fun of him again :D
It´s amazing how much english the people here learn by playing videogames. Very impressive.

I´m sticking a few pictures on here for ya, and maybe a couple videos, I have tons more, and I think I´m just gonna make a CD and send them to you. But let me know how these ones turn out, or you could just tell me Sunday :D

I´m still washing my clothes in a bucket, just thought you might like to know :) and I made a list the other day, cuz I had a bit of extra time, titled: *Everything I Know About Life, I learned From Sgt. Johnson* it´s pretty much amazing.

Well I think that´s about it for now, I´ll talk to you guys on Sunday eh?

I´m sorry, I can´t hear you over the sound of how awesome I am
Stay Frosty
Elder Webber