Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Latest (with pictures and a movie!)

We finished painting one of the rooms in our house today, and are almost done with the other, slowly and surely, since we only paint in the morning of Preperation Day.

So this week was kind of... lame. We had fun and worked hard, but all our investigators were flaky and useless, so almost no one went to church, just the one couple that can´t be baptized cuz they´re not married. So now we have a week to prepare someone to be baptized by sunday to help reach the 30-baptism goal for the zone. If we can´t find someone that´s already been to church 2 times in the area book, we´re gonna try and take the same person(s) to church twice on Sunday so they qualify. They never said it had to be 2 different sundays.

I dunno if you know, but there´s a certain power that comes with being able to speak 2 languages with your companion. We can talk to the people, then talk about them in English, or just coordinate our next attack.

*hello Sir, how are you?* (portugese)
*are you drunk?* (english)
*dude, he´s totally drunk* (english)
*thank you sir, have a good night* (portugese)

We gave a few blessings to some people this week too, one to a lady that really didn't need one, but she´s half crazy so we didn´t want to make her mad, but another was to Rafael. And he had been sick with Dangey for a few days, and when we showed up at his house, he said he had been praying at the moment for something to come help him, so we gave his a blessing and he got up right after said he felt way better *i feel amazing, so strong, i wanna....take a shower... and then...a.. WALK! yes.. i´ll take a walk* so that was pretty sweet, he wanted to take a picture with us too so he never forgot :)

We did divisions again this week, just for a few hours so that Elder Casey could go do some interviews with the baptismal candidates in another area. So Elder Erikson came to my area, where we taught a few dudes, and I found out that his invitation to read the Book of Mormon and pray is kind of......not good. so we ended that, because the 2 baptisms fell though, and life returned to normal. And then of course, we needed to cross the road at one point, and Elder Casey decided to cross between these two semi tucks that were getting unloaded, he tried, and the way was blocked by dudes working, and he couldn´t make it back out, so he decided to make conversation while standing in their way: *working hard?* yeah.

So far in Brasil, I've met a Pahoran, Moroni, and a Gideon (and only one of them was born into the church, not counting people like Sam, or normal names like that)

We gave the dude who works here a book of mormon, cuz he was reading about the church on wikipedia, and we´ve actually become good friends, which makes it easier to talk about the church and make fun of him cuz he only plays soccer games on the PS3s here.
wait a second........
yeah, i just made fun of him again :D
It´s amazing how much english the people here learn by playing videogames. Very impressive.

I´m sticking a few pictures on here for ya, and maybe a couple videos, I have tons more, and I think I´m just gonna make a CD and send them to you. But let me know how these ones turn out, or you could just tell me Sunday :D

I´m still washing my clothes in a bucket, just thought you might like to know :) and I made a list the other day, cuz I had a bit of extra time, titled: *Everything I Know About Life, I learned From Sgt. Johnson* it´s pretty much amazing.

Well I think that´s about it for now, I´ll talk to you guys on Sunday eh?

I´m sorry, I can´t hear you over the sound of how awesome I am
Stay Frosty
Elder Webber

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