Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Well this week wasn´t too bad. I´ll get some of the small news out of the way first eh?
I got the package! wooooo! With the awesome picture of Zach beating highland, nice. Well played sir, well played indeed. And then I got the letter today, the one with the memory card, I only read a bit before I came here cuz Elder Casey was impatient to write home. but thank you :D

We had a picnic kinda thing at the Bishop´s house the other day, with pineapple, juice, apples and crackers, and blood cuz he cut his foot with the weed whacker, he actually has a backyard, which is really weird. And apparently his daughter thinks everything is free in America "yeah, I hear in New York you can just walk down the street and people just give you hotdogs." I didn´t want to crush her dreams, so I just said I didn´t know cuz I´ve never been there, haha.

Which brings me to a related subject of free stuff. Piracy. Mosair ( the Dad of the family I baptized) asked me and my comp to download all sorts of music and movies for him on his computer, cuz apparently it got out somehow that I know how to do it :-)..... so yeah, ask the missionaries to download stuff illegally for you, good plan. but I didn´t :P no worries.

But his 2 twin kids had their 4th birthday party last night, they won a cake the day before so they were able to invite a lot more people than they would have been able to, which was awesome, so we just helped blow up balloons, eat the cake, and drink the guaraná, always fun.
As we were at a member´s house the other day waiting for lunch to be ready, a white couple walked through the front door, all the girls in the family started screaming, and then ran to hug the wife, the husband heard us talking about how we´re pretty sure they´re both American, and said *darn right i am!!* Apparently the wife served her mission here, and he served in São Paulo, so that was fun to eat lunch with them, with all the girls crying and yapping away. Our conversation went kind of like this:
*so, anything you want to know about home?*
*yeah, what´s the latest thing that´s happened in the land of the free?*
*Umm... Tenessee got flooded, lots of people died*
*pretty much*

That, and they talked a lot about Avatar, Sheesh!!

But, big news...... we baptized another person Sunday! WOOOO!!! His name is Edualdo, and he´s 17. Its only him, his younger brother, and dead-beet-always-half-drunk father at home. So he really needs some good friends and the church in his life, since he really doesn´t have much else. So it was really good to see the people in the ward congratulating him and see him smiling. He doesn´t really talk much, but you can tell he really loves to have us over and was really happy after we baptized him. I got in the water with him this time :) So that was way awesome ! We´re planning on baptizing his brother this next Sunday. So that´ll be good.

And we also managed to get 10 people to church as well, so not only are we in the newsletter for a baptism, but for that as well. I (we) pretty much rock.

Congratulations for beating California and Mesa, even with the devil himself fighting against you. Darn Sefada. Kick his butt. Good luck at nationals, sounds like you´ll come out on top. Just remember: Don´t mess up.

Hmm... well I think that´s about it. Good luck this weekend, congrats on surviving PTA, school, and rugby. Until we meet again.

Love ya´ll, Miss ya´ll

*A Man Chooses, A Slave Obeys*
Elder Webber

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