Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mother's Day Follow-Up

A good week indeed. Happy Mother´s day. Loved talking to you guys on the phone, even if Joseph doesn't talk, and Zach is living in a dream world, haha.

I just got back from the buffet up the street. It´s 5.50 for all you can eat. :D
It´s just a little bit out of our area so SHHHHH!

Transfers were yesterday and.......... I´m sticking around here in the Area Anapolis for the next six weeks, woooooo! Which means that after Elder Casey dies I´ll have to/get to stay here cuz I´ll be he only one who knows the area and the investigators. sweet. I told Jessica (the one we baptized) and her brother that I was getting transferred, so later that night IO got a call from Jose Maria (their dad) cuz he thought I was leaving, so I had to confess my lies. But at least I know someone in the ward loves me and will miss me, haha.

I mentioned it on the phone that we had zone conference last week with President and his wife. So that was way fun, it lasted from about 9 in the morning to 4 in the afternoon, with a push-ups competition to see who was actually doing their morning workouts, and a ´how many contacts can you do in 15 minutes´ competition. And I think he actually kind of likes me :) anyways, sister Tobias was inspecting our area books and ours was the best, so he took us, and the winner of the push-ups competition to McDonalds, ohhhh yeah.

This last Sunday we went to the chapel to support our fellow missionaries and help out with their baptisms, the zone had 5 baptisms last week. But when we got there the whole chapel was flooded with water because SOMEONE left the font on, so we had to spend the whole night cleaning up their stupid mess. Along with that, I also found out that I´m illegal right now. Haha, apparently something went wrong at the office, and I´m an illegal alien now, so I had to send my ID with another elder there to get it all worked out. fun stuff.

We met a drunk dude the other day... nothing new there. But this guy kept grabbing my hands and putting them on his head and asked for a blessing, when I refused he put his head on my chest and told me how pretty my eyes were.....yeah. not so fun stuff.

If you´re ever in the area sometime in the future you´ll have to stop by the house of Ana Rosa. Best... Lunch... Ever... It´s always pizza, french fries, fried chicken, beef stew, chocolate cake, and pudding (it´s good), and she´s a crazy/funny old lady, so pretty much we love having lunch there.

We´re teaching an old guy names Alberico, and he paid his tithing yesterday. He can´t be baptized cuz he´s not married, but we thought that was pretty awesome, he always goes to church with his top hat on too. And we met a lady by the name of Janaina who received the Book of Mormon when she was 15 and has already read it twice, so.... we´ll probably work with her as much as we possibly can. And then there´s Jorge (I always wanna yell out HEY JORGE! Bwagbwagbwag, except he´s not a chubby chef) and he´s the boyfriend of a member, so he´s pretty much gonna baptize himself, haha.

hmmm.... I cant think of much else that happened. I´m gonna send off the CD with all the pictures and videos up to this point tomorrow, so you´ll get that around Christmastime. But guess what today is? It´s my 6-month birthday! woooo! haha

Good luck in the rugby games, I would think they´ll be pretty easy after almost beating Highland. As long as nobody does anything stupid it sounds like you´ll be champions this year.

Well until next time,... Hopefully I´ll have a baptism to write about :D
Love ya´ll, miss ya´ll

"Just stick with the Master Chief, he´ll know what to do"

Elder Webber

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