Sunday, August 29, 2010

Just Truck'n Along...

Heeeey, thank you for the pictures!! Loved them,

Yeah, I´m definitely getting used to moving around now, I´m not sure if my suitcases are getting heavier or lighter each time. Though it is a pain in the butt to have to get to know the members all over again, and counting the two weeks we lost in the last area, kind of puts the pressure on to baptize.

I´m not comparing myself to anybody on the mission, so no worries, It just feels like that right now I´m not living up to my potential, and doing everything I can be, I feel like my companion is holding me back. So I certainly hope that this transfer is a *finishing school* because the thought of spending another transfer with him fills me with such inexpressible horror that I don´t even like to think about it :D

I´ll keep working hard no matter what, but I just feel that I can do so much more. Especially since he got mad at me for being excited about baptizing, fruitcake. For example, the other day we were talking, and I happened to mention a couple of my goals for the mission, and he said that I´ll never realize them, that I´m nowhere near prepared enough to do stuff like that, and that there´s no need to be so excited about baptizing, just take it easy.......I´ve never been more offended in my entire life!! I know now what it feels like to be completely and utterly offended, but the thing is that now I´m filled with so much righteous determination, and the fire in my soul is burning stronger than ever to show to everyone that my goals are realistic, that I´m a better missionary than he is, and that I will do some of the best work these areas have ever seen. I know rank doesn´t matter.

Anyways, I taught the gospel principles class yesterday. It was about Missionary work this week, so a pretty easy topic. It´s funny to look back when I was a Sunday school teacher back home, and compare my lessons then to my lessons now. Of course, the class here only has 4 other people besides the missionaries, and they´re all over 20. Instead of a room full of 16 year olds, haha.

Last week, during district meeting, it was pretty much a *glory to Elder Webber* meeting. The zone leaders must like me cuz they called me up to give examples of an effective lesson (using voice techniques, and using the body to help tell the story), getting a flaky investigator to go to church, and then I gave a training lesson about how to resolve our investigator´s problems with the word of wisdom, law of chastity, and so on. And then we all practiced doing contacts, and afterward while we were discussing what can be improved, and what was good, everything that was good was referenced to me, Bahahaha! oh yes, one particular popular point was my *stare into your soul to get the truth* skill, I never realized I was doing it before :D

We have a conference with president this Thursday, so I´m looking forward to that, it´ll be our first interview with him too. So I´m excited to lay it out strait and true and tell him what I expect from my mission.

And it´s good to know that Joseph still remembers me, I see little kids at the homes we visit and in the street and I can´t help but think...*my brother is SO much cooler that you* also, the other day we were chillin at a sister´s house waiting for lunch, and she handed me her baby boy to hold for 30 seconds while she washed off her hands ( I know, breaking the rules) but I just about told her *NO! it´s mine, I´ll hold him for a bit longer!!*

Woooow, everybody is growing up, College, high school, 8th grade and 6th grade? sheeeeesh! and I´m glad Mariah liked the letter, I probably should have been writing more letters this whole time, oh well.

Speaking of shoes, my shoes here are taking quite a beating, not quite time to switch them out though. I´m gonna wait a bit longer, and I´ll probably buy some new ones down here, it´ll be cheaper, dontcha think? besides, I don´t waste my money like an idiot, so I have money to buy some. No worries.

I would send you some pictures, I´ll try next week to send you a video of our home, and other interesting stuff. I´ve got quite a bit on the memory card, so no need to worry about a lack of pictures.

I think that´s about it for now, keep up the good work, stay in school, don´t do drugs. hope to hear from ya´ll again soon.

*He´s trying to lead you down the path of *righteousness*, I´m gonna lead you down the path that ROCKS!!*

Love you, miss you,
Elder Webber

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