Monday, August 2, 2010

A New Area it´s Monday. Yup, President Prieto changed preperation day to Monday. So from now on you´ll be getting emails Monday morning...usually. alrighty? sweet.

Anyways..... what a way to rain on my parade.
So...they day after I sent home my awesome email last week proved to be a very, very sad day. After district meeting our zone leader told us that transfers were coming a week early.... and I got transferred. There´s only a few times in my life when I´ve been as bummed as I was all day that day. I spent the rest of the day running from house to house saying goodbye to everybody, and taking pictures. I only missed one family. But now here I am.... in a city called Uberaba, a nine hour bus-ride from where I was, and almost closer to São Paulo than I am to the Mission Office. I´ve never missed a group of people so much in my life (besides family of course). Some of the members even started crying when I told them that I was leaving. Gah! I even had two more baptisms scheduled for this last Sunday, and I missed them, assuming that they went through.
I got all the people i could to write down something, including their addresses, phone numbers and emails in a notebook I have. So I´ve got quite a bit written down, i even got our friend at the lan-house. I feel like the people back there are part of my family, I promised them that I´ll be coming back after the mission.
Bummed beyond belief.

So then on Thursday those of us that were being transferred went to the bus station at 9:00 to go to Goiania and meet up with a bunch of other missionaries. There was about 20 of us just chillin at the terminal, kind of a funny site. The security guard at the store next to us must have been new or something cuz he was looking pretty nervous. Then we all split up, a few of us got on a bus heading here to Uberaba....7 hours later we stopped in Uberlándia and almost all of them got off, except for 3 of us. Then 2 more hours on the bus and we finally got here. around 9:30 at night. I´m not even in the same state as Anápolis anymore.

But yeah, so here I am in Uberaba, me and my new companion are opening up a new area, because president took the last two out before us, so neither of us know any of the members, investigators, places or people. Wow it´s hard. My new companion is a Brazilian, Elder Xavier. He´s not too shabby, i don´t think he likes me very much though, haha. But who knows, we´ve only been together for about 3 days so far. We went to the ward council yesterday, which was interesting, apparently Elder Xavier´s plan for this transfer is just to work with the inactives and less-active members... that aint gonna fly with me. Sure we´re supposed to help everybody, and work with the inactives and such, but I aint gonna lose time on doing the member´s job instead of finding and teaching people to baptize. grrrrrr.

So the city Uberaba is pretty big, not as in huge buildings and such, just spread out, and i´m chillin in what feels like the not-quite-the-modern-city-part, where all the run-down buildings and houses are. There is a huge catholic church in the middle of our area, with big creepy angels and stuff hanging about, so we might have to pay a visit to that one of these days. But yeah, I really have no idea where I am half of the time, and it seems like Elder Xavier doesn´t really have the knack of reading the map, so we´ve ended up backtracking a lot. In the ward here there´s only about 45 members who went to church on Sunday, sheesh, I like the bishop though, he´s pretty sweet.

But yeah, definitely going through some trials. Nothing I can´t handle though, hopefully I´ll just come to love the area and the people the same way I did in Anápolis... even though it´ll just make it harder the next time I get transferred.
*My son, peace be unto thy soul, thine adversities and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment....*
But either way, the work goes on, and time passes by, I´m just gonna have to work hard here as well, like before, regardless of my companion and the people.

I figure this goes without saying... but if there was anything in the mail headed to the house in Aná aint gonna get to me for a very long time.. hahaha.
But i do have my new address here:

Rua São Nicolau °89
Leblon Cep: 38030-180
Uberaba, Minas Gerais

I´m pretty sure that´s right... haha, we´ll find out though eh?

But yeah, besides that, nothing much else has happened, just trying to find our way around the city, I seem to be the only one concerned about finding new investigators. Does it sound like I´m always finding the bad things about my companions? and my situations? If so I apologize, I don´t know if I´m trying to work too hard, turning a molehill into a mountain, or really getting companions with working disabilities.

Hopefully this week will be better, it probaby will, we´ve only just begun. And we´ll baptize for sure...cuz I´m gonna make it happen. It´s a good thing that the times like these are spread out by times of joy and happiness when making friends with the people and baptizing people, otherwise the mission would be miserable. Then again... if you don´t make freinds and develop relationships... there´s not going to be anybody for you to miss, right? haha, Oh what a dilemma.

Anyways, I love you all, Miss you all,

*I went skydiving,
Rocky mountain climbing,
I went 2.7 seconds, on a bull named blue-man chew,
and I loved deeper,
and I spoke sweeter,
and I gave forgiveness I´d been denying,
and he said: someday I hope you get the chance to live like you were dieing*

Elder Webber

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