Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Ups and Downs...

Happy Brazilian Father´s day!!

I´m glad it doesn´t seem like I´m complaining about my companions all the time. cuz we had weekly planning the other day, and the zone leaders decided to come watch, cuz they´re supposed to watch each companionship at least once each transfer I guess, so that gave me more courage to say what needed to be said during the Companionship Inventory. Cuz my companion is being slack on the rules, he tells me he doesn´t have a testimony that obedience brings blessings and success, but I do. So I told him that if we´re gonna get along and work well together, he´s gonna have to obey all the rules. So.... we´re still not that good of *buddies* and don´t talk that often, but at least he knows what I expect of him, and he agreed to it.

Haha, I hope I´m making an impression on President.... either that or he just sent us out here to forget about us.... in the furthest area from the mission office, haha.

The other day we were teaching some lady the first lesson, and we were sitting outside her home, under the Goiaba trees. And the whole time we were teaching there were parrots flying above us in the trees, playing around and fighting over the goiaba, so they were all muching on fruit as little bits kept falling on us. Thought you might like to hear that :D

I´ve had lots of time to just think and ponder. I realize i miss the things that really count, and I´ve been feeling bad that I didn´t do as much as I´d like to with all my brothers. And by the time I get back everybody will be different. But oh well..... that´s why I stuck the Tim McGraw song in last time, cuz it´s been stuck in my head for the last few days, and makes me think about home and what I wanna do after the mission. The things that really count before it´s all changed and I have no more chances to make it up.

The mission really makes you think about the things that really count.....

Yeah, that other package ain't gonna be getting to me until the end of the month probably, cuz it´ll go from Elder Pattie to the zone leaders, then to the mission office, and when president comes to talk to us this month the assistants will bring all the letters and packages. Cuz the 8 hour trip between here and the office isn't that highly traveled by the missionaries... not that fun.
And I still have my posters, there´s no way I was gonna leave them behind, sheeesh! they´re awesome.

But yeah, haha, that´s about it for this week. We´re teaching a few families, and looks like we´ll have a few baptisms here in a bit, but we´ll see how that goes eh? Wish us luck.....and patience.

I love you.
*I´m watching you Wizowsky, always watching...*
Elder Webber

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